
Ten Stroller Safety Tips Every Parent Should Know

People say life after babies becomes hectic, and parents hardly get time for themselves. But, these people are terribly wrong.

Life doesn’t become busy after the arrival of the baby. Instead, it changes the moment a couple comes to know they’re becoming parents.

During the pregnancy, parents make sure to prepare everything for their little bundle of joy. They set up a nursery, buy clothes in bulk, install an infant car seat, invest in a good high chair, and to make it more comfortable for their juniors, they also buy a footrest for a high chair if it doesn’t come with one.

Clothes, nursery, high chairs, etc., are not the only things parents get for their babies. Just like adults, a baby needs some fresh too. He cannot grab his car keys and go on a drive, therefore, parents buy a stroller for the baby.

A baby stroller not only entertains the baby but is also of immense help to parents. The baby can be placed in the stroller without having the parents to carry him wherever they go. 

However, as much as this baby gear helps the parents, it can sometimes cause severe injuries to the little ones. Wondering how? Well, the failure to adhere to the stroller safety tips for babies.

The states from 1990 to 2010, around 361,000 children were injured due to the strollers. We’re sure you’re well aware of how delicate the body of a baby is. Serious injuries cannot only result in fractures but can sometimes pose a risk of death too.

No parent, even in their wildest dream, would want their babies to be hurt. Therefore, every parent must be aware of baby safety tips to keep them protected and safe.

If you’re using a baby stroller, then we would highly recommend you to read the following stroller safety tips for babies when using a stroller without compromising on the safety of the baby.

Stroller Safety Tips For Babies

1. Purchase the Right Stroller 

Would you like to drive in an unsafe car? Without giving it a minute of thought, your answer would be ‘no.’ If you don’t buy an unsafe car for yourself, then definitely you won’t even think about getting a stroller unsuitable for your baby.

When buying the stroller for your little munchkin, make sure you consider the following features before getting one.

  •  Verify the Weight Limit

Strollers do not have an age limit, but rather they have a weight limit. Before buying the stroller, always check for its weight limit. A stroller that is unfit to carry the weight of a baby is not only uncomfortable for the baby but extremely unsafe as well.

It might tip over and hurt the baby. Furthermore, if you observe your baby gain weight while growing up, then you might need to change the stroller he was previously using. A stroller doesn’t grow with your child.

Make sure you’re aware of the weight limit of the stroller and stop the use of the stroller if your baby’s weight exceeds its weight limit.

  •  Wide Base

While the sleek and compact design attracts most parents, not all are safe for your little one. The old fashioned wide base stroller is a better choice.  

A stroller with a wide base is sturdier and stable. Wide base strollers minimize the risk of the stroller tipping over and hurting the baby.

  • Footrests

Just as the footrest for the high chair makes the baby comfortable during their mealtimes and activities, a footrest in a stroller also makes it more relaxing for the baby to enjoy their strolls.

The footrest allows the baby to rest their feet and prevent them from dangling. Footrest improves the overall posture of the baby and avoids the risk of varicose veins in the baby.

  • Storage Basket 

This feature may seem useless, but trust us, storage baskets are of great help. Babies are unpredictable humans. One can never be sure what they might need the next minute. 

Having a storage basket allows the parents to keep the baby items such as their toys, diaper bags, napkins, etc., while they are on the go.

2. Don’t Make The Baby Sit In A Face-Forward Position

This is one of the most common mistakes parents make when making their babies sit in the stroller. Even experienced parents make this mistake.

The arrival of a baby is not only a new thing for parents but also for the baby. Leaving their mothers’ womb and arriving into this huge, strange, and unknown world can be overwhelming for a baby. They are easily scared and feel unsafe in the new environment. 

When parents make them sit in a face-forward position, the babies are unable to see their parents, and it makes them anxious and frightened.

When your baby is small and not much familiar with his surroundings, try to make him sit in a position where he can face you. One of the parents can walk along with the stroller so the baby can see him or her.

3. Be Vigilant 

Even though the safety straps and belts ensure the baby is safely seated and won’t slip away from the stroller yet, you never know which trick is brewing in the brains of your mischievous babies.

It’s the responsibility of the parent to be vigilant when their babies are inside the stroller. There’re several tips on how you can be vigilant about the stroller and keep your baby safe.

4. Avoid Giving the Strollers to Kids

Older siblings are excited to handle the strollers of their baby siblings. Try to reason with them and handle it by yourself. Just in case, your older kids are handling the stroller and are doing so quite responsibly, be vigilant and keep an eye on the stroller.

5. Avoid Overloading the Basket

Storage baskets are of immense help. It helps parents to store their bags, diaper bags, toys, etc. There is no harm in keeping your stuff in the basket, but make sure not to overload it as the extra weight in the basket can cause the stroller to tip over.

6. Carefully Fold and Unfold The Stroller

Folding and unfolding the stroller is not rocket science and doesn’t need any practice. But, make sure whenever you’re folding or unfolding the stroller, your little one isn’t around.

Babies love to explore, and for that purpose, they won’t refrain from inserting their tiny fingers inside the holes and hinges of the stroller. 

When you place the baby inside the stroller, make sure it’s completely unfolded and won’t collapse during the stroll. After you unfold the stroller, shake it a few times to ensure it’s properly unfolded.

7. Apply Wheel Brakes 

The feature of wheel brakes in the stroller is there for a purpose. Wheel brakes prevent the wheel of the stroller from moving on its own or by the baby’s movement.

Whenever you stop the stroller, make sure to apply the wheel brakes, even if it’s on a flat surface. It keeps the stroller in its place and prevents the risk of strollers sliding or moving on a busy road.

8. Avoid Keeping the Stroller in Sunlight

Imagine if you park your car under direct sunlight for 10-20 minutes. When you return back and sit inside the car, how do you feel? Oh, and what about the steering wheel? The same thing happens when you place the stroller in a sunny place or under direct sunlight. 

The sunlight heats up the metallic and plastic parts of the strollers that can make the baby uncomfortable. Also, if the weather is hot, it can make the metallic parts so hot and can harm the sensitive skin of the baby. This is a crucial stroller safety tips to follow.

9. Fasten the Toys Strongly

Strollers have fasteners for toys. It makes the stroller attractive for the babies and keeps them engaged. 

Toys should be fastened firmly so they don’t fall upon the baby’s face when pulling it or playing with it. Furthermore, shorten the length of the toys’ fastener.

By doing so, it will prevent the toys from touching the baby’s face allowing him to play or sleep peacefully.

10. Check for Repairs 

Babies cannot take their strollers for repair and maintenance by themselves. As much as you take care of your ride, you need to do the same thing for your baby’s ride.

Make it a routine to check the stroller once a week or month to be repaired or if any of its parts need to be replaced.

Life with a baby is challenging, and when you’re short on time, it can become tough too. Parents have some personal and professional commitments, yet they always have to be available for their munchkins.

Baby gears like an infant car seat, strollers, boosters, etc., make the lives of parents much easier by keeping their babies comfortable and secured.

Ensure you invest in a good stroller and follow all the baby safety tips to avoid any unfortunate accidents and mishaps. Check out the four best baby jogging strollers.

About the author

About the author

Natasha Ballard lives in Austin, Texas, with her family. She spends her time writing food-related articles and taking care of her kids Loreen and Ted, aged 14 and 11. She also enjoys cooking and sharing her favorite recipes through her writing.

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