
Coping Tips For Moms Working From Home

It has always been challenging for many working moms to combine career and family. The pandemic only worsened this problem. What coping tips for moms working from home can make it easier to combine it with family activities without compromising these different parts of your life? Find out in this article.

Many women who find themselves in forced self-isolation face several challenges. It’s necessary to build a workflow from home and establish a convenient daily routine for all family members.

When the whole family is at home, it’s more tasking to manage everyone. This article will determine how a working mother can inspire herself and comfortably rebuild her life and work from home.

Tips For Women To Navigate Work And Family During The Quarantine

Analyzing the personal pages and posts of social media users, it’s clear people are worried about simple and everyday topics. What to do with younger children, how parents can make out time for remote work, how to organize family leisure for kids. How to find some time for a single mom to browse the best dating sites 2020 and find love.

However, from the quarantine psychological perception, there’s an important recommendation to follow. We learn to perceive the current situation not as a test, but as an opportunity to spend time with our family and establish our work process. Here’re coping tips for moms working from home to get through the days.

Set Flexible Working Hours

You and your partner can allocate your time (especially if the children are newborn and need constant care) to work and be in touch at a certain period, not from 6 am to infinity.

Consider Taking A Vacation

The family budget may suffer, but right now is the time to analyze the risks and calculate future actions. Don’t underestimate the importance of mental health and emotional stability.

Talk To Your Boss Frankly

Often, during a crisis, a boss demands more activity from you, which is expected because, in this situation, the business needs to act promptly. However, sometimes having measured your strength, it pays you more to be honest.

Dedicate Time To Yourself And Planning Outside The Family

Being a working mother is hard in any situation, not only during the pandemic. When you sit at home every day, your space narrows down quite a bit. When you’re in the “me-my children-husband-work” system, the brain quickly loses its sensitivity to everything else.

Come back to the question from time to time. What happens to me when the quarantine ends? What will I do as a person, leader, and professional?


Don’t Panic If A Child Interrupts Your Workflow

If children constantly “run” into your work in quarantine, make such races meaningful. Let’s say your child shows up during a Zoom meeting. At this point, tell your brain, “Now, there will be a switch.” This deliberate inclusion will allow the brain to register a specific action and not a distraction.

You can stop, pick up the child, invite him to say hello to colleagues if it’s appropriate. The child will cheer up the whole team. And in this way, you will show your brain that conscious action is taking place now, which is not an obstacle to further work.


In addition to a considerable amount of work, a working mother during the pandemic has to take care of family life. Children who are at home all the time need our care and attention.

You spend quality time with the newborn, help school children with their studies, and take care of the home. We are constantly distracted by something. These coping tips for moms working from home will help you navigate through your daily activities with ease.

With your hand on your heart, who is responsible for most household chores in your family? Perhaps you are. We hope our article will help you cope with combining family duties and work.

Finally, remember: the project called “crisis” will end sometime. It is not an eternal state. The way we adapt now is an opportunity to learn new skills for the future.

Please share your experience of finding a balance between family and work during the quarantine. What turned out to be the most difficult for you? Let us know in the comment section.

About the author

About the author

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in the relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.


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  1. I’m not a mother, nor married. but I do understand the hardships of a working mom. keeping a balance between personal life and career is an artistic act that not everyone is capable of handling. these women deserve to be called heroine as they dedicate all their love and effort to their family and job, simultaneously

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