
The Super Grandparent Economy

Our beloved grandparents, they’re always there if we need them. Whether it’s for a good cuppa, advice, and now more than ever…childcare. In fact, 65% percent of grandparents provide some form of childcare.

In modern Britain, grandparents play a significant role in the family. Most of us will be a grandparent for a third of our lifespan. As dual-worker households are increasing, we’ve become progressively dependent on our grandparents.

Even saving us over a grand in childcare costs in the process. Really this is the Super Grandparents economy.

The grandparent economy- super grandparent


What Makes Grandparents Great?

Family networks are changing massively, and grandparents are a key part. Many parents would be out of pocket or simply wouldn’t even be able to work if it wasn’t for our grandparents. An Ageas Survey estimates parents save £1,786 in childcare costs because of grandparents minding children.

That’s a whopping £16.1 billion for the whole U.K. This is data based on just grandparents looking after one child.

Grandparents looking after more children could be saving families even more. As well as babysitting themselves, 23% of grandparents contribute financially to babysitters so everyone can have a break.

Based on the median grandparent childcare per week (11.3 hours), parents in the South East can save £3,204 a year in childcare costs. And a huge £4,031 a year in London.

But why do grandparents feel compelled to look after their grandchildren? A survey found that 82% of grandparents simply enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. 44% did it because their own children had a job that prevented them from childcare duties.

Amazingly, over half of the grandparents in the study expected nothing back from their children. The Department of Education announced in 2017 that 19% of parents favored informal childcare such as grandparents over nurseries because of cost.

However, many choose their grandparents because of trust and love. Although most parents using informal childcare have a household income of £30,000 – £44,999. It’s those with the highest income (£45,000+) who are the second most likely to use it.

Impact on Health

The best part of the super grandparent economy is the impact on the elder’s health. Researchers have found 84% of grandparents felt looking after their grandchildren had a very positive effect on their life.

Their feelings are backed up by science. The University of Virginia uncovered grandparents who frequently hugged their grandkids were less stressed and had increased levels of the ‘love hormone’ – oxytocin.

Grandparents who look after their treasured grandchildren are more likely to report better health than those who do not. Even looking after grandchildren a few hours a day has a major impact.

Studies have concluded only 23% of European grandparents that look after children non-intensively report poor health. Whereas, 37.3% of grandparents who do not care for grandkids, attest to bad health.

This benefit can be seen in mental wellbeing too. Grandparents looking after grandchildren are 8% less likely to report depressive symptoms. It seems like grandchildren feel the same way. A study in Boston found close bonds between grandparents and grandchild can reduce depressive symptoms for both.

Invaluable Support

Remember all those stories your grandparents used to tell about the war and how ‘everything was better in my day’? As much as you wanted to play, you sat and listened. All those times you were a good grandchild may have paid off.

These tales could have helped shaped you into the person you are today. Scientists believe grandparents’ anecdotes about the past and family history form our self-identity and build our self-esteem.

Grandparents aren’t just good for stories. They play a key role in a child’s development in many other ways.

In one survey, over 40% of parents relied on grandparents for activities and education such as math, cooking, and sewing. So, take advantage of the super grandparent’s economy and involve grandparents in their grandkid’s life.

Another study found that nearly half of grandparents helped with homework and a huge 86% read with their grandchildren.

In today’s world, grandparents are a lifeline for more ways than one. Grandparents regularly offer financial and educational support. Across the UK, parents can work and provide for their children, all because of our grandparents. They indeed are ‘Super Grandparents.’

About the author

About the author

Natasha Ballard lives in Austin, Texas, with her family. She spends her time writing food-related articles and taking care of her kids Loreen and Ted, aged 14 and 11. She also enjoys cooking and sharing her favorite recipes through her writing.

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