
How To Boost Your Income As A Stay-At-Home Parent

If you’re raising kids at home, you know it’s a full-time job (and then some!). As challenging and rewarding as it is, however, there’s no paycheck at the end of the week. You may be looking for ways to boost your income as a stay-at-home-parent.

Fortunately, there’re some practical methods to earn an income as a stay-at-home parent. With these methods, the best part is, when you maintain focus and self-discipline, you won’t have to compromise your parenting or work quality. To help you on your quest for money-making opportunities as a stay-at-home parent, here are three ideas to consider:

1. Starting a Business

Some of the world’s biggest companies were founded in times of economic crisis. It may sound counterintuitive, but now could be a great time to start a side business.

The web has opened up a plethora of opportunities when it comes to home-based businesses. Simply put, you can create an online business in almost any field.

First, write out all of the interests, skills, and knowledge acquired throughout your working years. Then, do your research, talk to other business-minded people, and brainstorm a business that can be a success and bring you joy. This could be repairing computers, writing legal documents, providing virtual assistance or customer service for other companies.

If you’re a natural with sales, you could open an e-commerce store. By staying up to date on the most popular items selling online, you can bring in passive income by dropshipping.

Starting a dropshipping business means you wouldn’t need to keep a physical inventory. All you have to do is set up a store, find suppliers, and ship your sold items directly from the supplier to the customer.

2. Becoming a Freelancer

Another way to make money as a stay-at-home parent is to freelance. As with starting a business, you can become a freelancer who works remotely in various industries, from software development to data science to architecture. And you can quickly build your client base by joining freelancing sites and providing quality work.

Freelancing means you work for yourself. Therefore, you can choose which clients to serve, as well as how much you work. Whether it’s full-time or only five to 10 hours a week.

With a designated workspace, necessary tools, boundaries established with your family, and a routine for staying productive, freelancing can be the ideal method for earning income from home.

3. Selling Unwanted Items

This falls in the realm of e-commerce. However, instead of selling new products (or in addition to), you can purge your belongings of anything you don’t need. Then, use online platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace to sell them.

You might be surprised by how much you can make just by getting rid of clothes, electronics, furniture, and other items you’re not using. Plus, you’ll have the added benefit of having less clutter in your home.

Yes, it’s totally possible to boost your income while being a stay-at-home parent as long as you have a good idea of what you’re getting into. Whether it’s starting a business, becoming a freelancer, choosing to sell unwanted household items or any other job that allows you to mesh SAH parenting with work. Find something you’re good at, stay focused, and you can start bringing in some side money in no time!

Do you have other suggestions on how to boost your income as a stay-at-home-parent? Please share them in the comments. 

About the author

About the author

Gwen Payne is a stay-at-home mom with an entrepreneurial spirit. Over the years, she has mastered raising her two daughters while side hustling to success through small ventures based on her passions — from dog walking to writing to e-commerce. With, she hopes to show other stay-at-home parents how they can achieve their business-owning dreams.

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