FamilyHow to Be a Good StepdadSelf-Improvement

Why Lifelong Learning Is A Cool Idea For Stepdads

By 2020, around 65% of all jobs in the U.S. will require post-highschool education or training, according to World Education. Yet, currently, over 40 million adults have what is considered ‘low literacy,’ even if they have their high school diploma.

On the upside, about 35% of the college population are working parents and ‘perpetual students.’ One of the ways to show an excellent example as a stepdad is to show a passion for learning.

Whether you wish to enroll in college for the first time, complete an unfinished degree, or opt for post-graduate study, your kids will undoubtedly be inspired. They will also understand that learning isn’t just about passing subjects at school. Instead, it is about leading a better, smarter, healthier life by making discoveries and sharing vital information with others.

Boosting your Earnings

If you have a busy and full household, you may wish to contribute financially to everyone’s education and leisure. In the U.S, many of the most expensive states have the largest pay gaps between graduates and non-graduates.

For instance, in Washington, D.C., the pay disparity is 167%. Depending on which state you live in, completing or finishing a degree or course can make a significant difference in your family’s quality of life.

What if You don’t have Time?

As a busy stepdad, you may have a full-time or part-time job you cannot afford to let go of. You may have an interest in shorter online masters programs, for instance, yet wonder how long you could keep one of these courses up while fulfilling other obligations.

There are many modalities of postgraduate courses on offer – including one-year master’s programs online and doctorates that do not require dissertations. It may be worth your while taking a sabbatical off work to complete an accelerated course.

Your decision to do so will depend on the expected return and the demand for postgraduate degree holders in your chosen sector.

Inspiring your Kids to Learn

It is much more instinctive for kids who frequently see their parents reading to enjoy learning themselves. The focus of the study should be the farthest thing from a ‘punishment.’

It should ideally be about delving into areas of interest, applying knowledge to new ideas and inventions. This can also help children make a difference to the world, using the information gleaned as tools. Doing so will place your kids in good stead for lifelong learning.

A University of California-Berkely study found, for instance, that people who make learning a lifelong habit have a lower likelihood of having brain disorders like Alzheimer’s.

The age of ubiquitous technology teaches us that the workforce is constantly changing, and businesses need to adapt or sink. Through lifelong learning, you can show your children the key to success is flexibility.

Their interest may be in a field that may soon become superfluous owing to technologies like artificial intelligence. Finding something they can do just as well, or a field they can become passionate about is easy if they see learning as a pleasure rather than an obligation.

Online studying is gradually becoming a new trend and gives flexibility to the individual. Here are some of the benefits of studying online.

About the author

About the author

Mike Taffet is a stepfather of three children – two boys and a girl. He enjoys writing about several topics, especially finances, step-parenting, and the blended family. Mike and his family call Florida home, and he’s a huge Atlanta Braves fan.


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