FamilyTo Be a Father

Five Healthy Parental Goals For Every Dad

Father, Dad, Papa, Daddy, Pops, Dada, Old man, Padre, Stepdad or Stepfather are some ways we refer to our sires. No matter what name is used, you are important. Your job as a parent will be the most important job you will have in your lifetime. 

Did you know it has been proven that well-fathered children are more emotionally intelligent and socially successful as adults? Being physically present isn’t enough. A father who is emotionally available will teach his sons and daughters patience.

A good father will teach his children how to cope with their own feelings, empathy, and assist them in being emotionally confident where they feel brave enough to go out into the world, build strong friendships, excel academically, and connect with teachers and peers. Here are five healthy parental goals for every dad.

Healthy Meals

One of your first goals is to start thinking about proper nutrition. Most people assume the role of health and nutrition falls on the mother because she is usually the person in charge of preparing meals.

This is outdated and false thinking. It falls on both parents to not only educate their children on healthy eating and activities but also show them by participating in these activities.

Visit nutrition sites like Apricot Power, speak to pediatricians, talk to other dads, introduce your kids to your own favorite fruits and vegetables, and make the vegetables readily available at all times.

Fun Activities

Your second goal is to think of fun activities you can do with your kids. You want to appeal to what they like, what their interests are, and what you want them to enjoy with you. You can stick with traditional sports and/or come up with your own games.

For instance, you could have children race from one tree to another to see who could do it the fastest, hold jumping jack contests, institute family walks around the neighborhood or have bike races. Then, the children might grow to love outdoor sports.

You also could create countless games you pass down to your grandkids. Let your imagination go wild. You would be surprised at how much your children love the games you create.

Ban Electronic Devices During Meal Times

The third goal may be hard for some, but it is necessary. Ban all electronic devices from the dinner table. And if you currently eat in front of the TV, move meals back to the dining room. This is where your child will learn proper eating habits.

You could make sure they eat all their vegetables, ensure they are eating their meat, they are chewing slowly, and they are enjoying their meal rather than having them eat too fast and causing an upset stomach.

Eating at the table is also good for their mental well-being. This way, they get to share what has been going on at school, how they spend time with their friends while you share your day with them, further strengthening your family bond.

Sunscreen and Hydration

Another healthy parental goal for every dad is to always remember sunscreen and hydration when going to play outdoors. The strongest sun of the day is between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is strong even in winter. These are the most popular playing hours for young children.

Follow the directions on the sunscreen bottle, and always remember to reapply after swimming because the newer pool chemicals can wash sunscreen right off your skin. Infants and young children sweat a lot because their bodies are so small.

They hold less liquid than an older child or adult. Most kids become dehydrated because more fluids are leaving the body than entering it. Some signs of dehydration are dry mouth and tongue, dark urine, dry lips, low energy levels, and cold dry skin.

Keep a close eye on your children’s time spent outdoors. Remember to keep your kids hydrated and cool throughout the year.

Modify your Lifestyle

Your fifth goal is to take a good look at your own lifestyle. How active are you? Do you spend a lot of time on the phone? How much screen time do you allow yourself and your children? How are your eating habits? Do they need to change?

If you answer any of these with a “yes”, think about making some changes, but don’t do them on your own, do them with your children. Let them see you make healthy changes for the better and learn from the changes you make.

The most important healthy parental goal for every dad is to go out, have some fun and laugh until your stomachs hurt! Self-care makes you a better caretaker too. Here are other reasons why dads need ‘me time’.

About the author

About the author

Laura Edward a graduate from San Diego State University, and currently a content contributor at Nano Hearing Aids and Apricot Power. Laura has been writing for magazines and websites since 2015 and loves to write about different new things. In her spare time, she read books, listens to music, and writes a new blog post. Follow her on Twitter.


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