
Halloween Safety Tips

Break out the broomsticks and the candy cauldrons! Halloween is here again!

Whether it’s that irresistible sense of mystery in the crisp autumn air, our nostalgic recollections of youthful sugar binges or the fact pumpkin spice seems to make everything taste better, we all love this time of year.

Halloween speaks to the inner child in everyone. Each October, whole new generations of parents pass the creepy customs of All Hallows’ Eve on to a new era of children.

But for every treat there is a trick, and sadly, Halloween consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous days of the year.

Crime, auto accidents, highway intoxication and various other vices see an annual uptick around October 31. There’s always more than one reason to keep your wits about you as the witching hour draws near.

As New York City personal injury lawyers, we’ve seen our share of Halloweens gone wrong and we don’t want that for anyone this year. To help ensure the only horror stories you experience this year are on your TV screen, we’ve assembled a few of the very best Halloween safety tips for kids and adults alike.

Our Top Halloween Safety Tips

Beware of Drunk Drivers. One of the most dangerous things about Halloween is that both small children and irresponsible drivers take to the roads for the same reason: celebration. Unfortunately, kids and adults don’t always celebrate in the same way, and the latter may make careless choices. DUIs are extremely common on Halloween.

Yellow Is the New Black. Halloween costumes are a great way to let your creative spirit shine, but please never compromise carefulness for creepiness. Loose garments pose a tripping hazard, masks can obscure your vision, and dark colors make it hard for drivers to see you. Choose bright, light, and reflective costumes instead.

Drivers, Keep Guard. If you’re operating a motor vehicle at any time on 10/31 (and even into the early hours of 11/1), you should go ahead and assume that little children are trick-or-treating everywhere. Remember: they’re hard to see. Drive slowly and with extra care.

Little Monsters Need Their Mummies (and Daddies). Safety experts say that 12 is the absolute youngest age a child should ever be allowed to trick or treat without adult supervision. Even then, they should stick to familiar territory close to home, keep a fully charged cell phone on them, and travel with a group you trust.

Review the Rules of the Road. Depending on where you live, Halloween might be the only night of the year when you walk the roads on foot. It’s a good idea, then, to review the rules of pedestrian safety as a family. Look both ways before crossing, keep clear of traffic, always look for cars that are backing up or turning, and use sidewalks when possible. (If no sidewalk is available, stay to the far left and face traffic).

Keep It Simple. Make sure you know the route your children plan to take when trick-or-treating. If it involves complicated navigation or busy highways, a new game plan might be in order. The best streets are those with the fewest street crossings and intersections.

You’re Never Too Old for Halloween Safety Tips!

Even if you’re all grown up with no kids of your own, remember Halloween celebrations come in many shapes and sizes. A spooky movie marathon with friends can be just as fun as a night out on the town. Do your best to make this month’s finale both festive and free from harm!

We hope these Halloween safety tips prove useful as you make the most of a magical day. The whole team here at Kaplan Lawyers PC would like to wish you all a safe and happy Halloween!

About the author

About the author

John Tucker is the Director of Case Management for Kaplan Lawyers PC, a personal injury law firm located in New York City. When not practicing law, John enjoys participating in community activities like coaching and mentoring youth. He is also passionate in his support of the American Cancer Society.

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