
Three Ways To Unify Your Blended Family

While some couples stay together throughout their adult lives, most people are familiar with the statistic that roughly half of the marriages in the United States end in divorce. 

In addition, many adults are choosing to forgo marriage altogether and are fluidly moving out of long-term relationships without legal hassles. Despite the fact that blended families are more commonplace, they create unique challenges for parents and children.

Finding a way to unify the new family clan and also establish lasting bonds is one of the more pressing challenges. These steps can help you unify your blended family.

Create New Family Traditions

Traditions provide a foundation for families, and the blending of families generally means new traditions need to be created. This could include combining multiple aspects of holiday or birthday traditions from both sides of the new unit.

It could also involve creating entirely new activities and events. Invite all family members to give input on what these new traditions may look like. If the children are splitting time on holidays with other parents or family members, it could be worth it to create your own family holidays you celebrate privately.

This will give you more opportunities to bond organically. Adjusting to these new traditions takes time, and parental effort to maintain them from year to year is essential.

Take a Family Vacation

Family unity is based partially on memories and sharing profound experiences together. These opportunities are few and far between in your daily lives, so you should plan to get away and go on an adventure.

Planning a family vacation can bring everyone together before you leave the house. The special activities and experiences shared during the trip add to the memories you create. Consider scheduling getaways periodically so you have new things to look forward to together. 

Be aware that forcing too much time together in close quarters could make matters worse if you have family members who refuse to get along. Be sensitive to these relationships and work on getting these people to spend time together without them feeling forced or uncomfortable with the situation.

Get a Family Portrait

One of the easiest steps you can take to create a sense of togetherness in your home is to decorate the walls with new pictures. For example, you may frame and hang a few pictures from your most recent family vacation.

You can also schedule an appointment with an NYC family photographer for a posed portrait. This portrait can be placed in a prominent location in the home and may remind each person daily of the family unit you have built.

Each person will adjust to the blending process in his or her own way. Some people will quickly and easily adjust, and others may harbor resentments for a while. Utilizing these tips to unify your blended family could help everyone to be more receptive to the idea of forming new family relationships.

Take a look at these great bonding activities for your blended family.

About the author

About the author

A graduate from the University of San Francisco, Anica Oaks is a full-time freelance writer. She’s already published articles for a variety of industries, ranging from technology to beauty to health. She loves dogs, the ocean and anything outdoor-related. You can connect with her on Google +.

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