
Five Parenting Tips To Keep Your Newborn Safe

Bringing a new baby home can be exciting and a little nerve-rattling. Prior preparation can alleviate some concerns, and tips from other stepparents can be useful in guiding you through tricky situations. Here are five vital parenting tips to keep your newborn safe.

Create a Safe and Sane Environment

Baby proofing a home can be a challenge. Newborn babies are limited in what they can reach and what they can control. However, they have a tight grip and strength that will surprise you.

Check areas close to changing tables and cribs to ensure there are no loose wires or materials they can pull or grab. It is nice to have a baby monitor near your crib, but the cord should be out of reach from the baby to prevent strangulation or electrocution.

Additionally, lights over the changing table should be adequately secured and out of reach of the baby.

Be Cautious of Tummy Time

We all know tummy time is important for babies to strengthen their neck muscles and to prevent the flattening of their head, but tummy time is not to be taken lightly. It is crucial the baby is supervised during tummy time to avoid injuries and suffocation.

Parents find it helpful to lay next to the baby to provide eye contact and support when needed. As babies work their muscles during tummy time, they may get sleepy. Infants should never be allowed to sleep on their stomachs.

The Joy of Feeding

Feeding a baby correctly means more than giving them enough to eat. It also means safely feeding them. Some parents overlook some key factors in healthy feeding.

If you are bottle-feeding an infant, ensuring the proper nipple size is attached to the bottle can make a difference in the flow of milk. Monitoring the flow of milk can prevent choking and an increase in gas after feeding.

If you are using a powdered formula to feed your baby, use the correct measuring utensil to establish the proper milk to water ratio. 

Proper Fit is Not Just Cute

While baby clothes are cute, they also serve a purpose and can be convenient for parents. For instance, baby onesies are uniquely designed to pull off from either the top or bottom.

At night, consider clothes that zip or close at the bottom for a smooth diaper change in a dimly lit room. Diapers should be a good fit, as your baby grows, to avoid chafing or discomfort.

It is Okay to Ask for Help

Sometimes the answer is unclear, and when this happens, it is okay to ask for help. Being a parent of a newborn is a lot of work and can be especially so as a stepdad when you are not the biological parent.

Sometimes, it may feel no one else has ever had to deal with your issue, which is simply not true. Having a support system can make the hard times more tolerable and provide guidance when you need it.

These important tips to keep your newborn safe will also make adjusting to your new life easier. Remember, babies are only small for a short period, so enjoy this time while it lasts.

Knowing the best baby cot is also vital for any soon to be parent. Here are important things to consider when choosing a baby cot. Please be sure to check out our other content and resources for your new baby.

About the author

About the author

I’m Harper Harmon, a freelance writer, and blogger who focuses on business, health, and other various topics. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communication from UCLA. I currently reside in Santa Cruz, CA with my dog, Sassy.

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