
Five Amazing Uses Of The Internet

I’m young enough that I don’t remember ever not using the internet. My childhood memories are full of internet-related memories like playing Webkinz and Club Penguin.

Most of the time I don’t think twice about the internet and how it has transformed the world. However, when you really stop and think about it, the world has been flipped upside down thanks to the internet.

These are five amazing uses of the internet.

1. Social Media

I started using social media when I was 12, and before that, I would watch my parents use social media. Today it seems like nothing crazy, and a lot of people find themselves wishing they would spend less time on social media.

On the flip side, if you stop and think about what it means to have constant updates from hundreds of friends, around the world, updated in real-time, it’s actually amazing. We are blessed to always know how our friends and family are doing.

To see their updates, photos, and even live videos of their lives. The connections social media allows us to have is incredible.

2. Websites

There are websites for anything and everything you can think of. Bloggers, hotels, stores, doctors, and schools all now have websites.

This seems like such common practice, but only a few decades ago this convenience didn’t exist. All of these websites help remove the need to call or show up to these places in person to get information.

You could schedule an appointment at your dentist’s office by simply using their website. You could also at the very least easily find the dentist’s phone number on their website.

What is even more cool about websites is

  • There are websites for everything
  • They make life more convenient
  • Anyone can create their own website.

Websites like help people create their own websites. So not only is the internet something we can use every day, it’s something we are able to contribute to.

3. School

The school has been transformed because of the internet. Instead of the typical desk and textbook set-ups, technology is incorporated in many classrooms.

Students are taught to use online resources instead of relying on just textbooks. Some schools even have students do and turn in their homework online.

Teachers can send out announcements and homework through email instead of printing out physical copies. School has adapted to utilize the new technology available and continues to try and incorporate more technology into the classroom all the time.

4. Stores

50 years ago, no one would have thought they could order their groceries while sitting at their computer desk. Stores have dramatically changed with the internet.

All stores used to be physical stores you had to walk into to go find your items. Now, some stores, like Amazon, exist solely on the internet.

Online ordering, search bars, and countless store websites have transformed the way shopping works.

5. Movies/TV

One of my favorite ways the internet has changed the world is through movies and TV. Movies and TV shows have both been around for a while, but thanks to the internet, it’s now possible to stream any movie or TV show you want at any given time.

Websites like Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, and more are changing the movie and TV industry.

The internet continues to transform the way we live every day for the better. It’s easy to take advantage of these technological advancements, especially if they have been around your entire life. 

It’s important for parents to supervise and teach their kid’s safe internet usage. Here are some useful tips on how to guide your kid’s internet usage.

About the author

About the author

Alyssa Higginson is a Junior at BYU studying Elementary Education. She loves kids and animals, and she feels more comfortable speaking to kids than to adults. She enjoys playing the cello, baking, and binge-watching movies with her husband John.

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