
Is My Child Ready For A Cell Phone?

With so much reliance on the internet today, it’s hard to imagine a world without a cell phone. From finding directions to ordering groceries, as an adult, it’s impossible to live without one.

However, when it comes to getting your child their first phone, how do you know when the time is right? Before you give in to their pleas, here are four things you need to think about.

Gauge their Maturity Level

Only you can tell when your child is responsible enough to have their first phone. In a nutshell, it comes down to maturity.

Take a moment to gauge their maturity level. Are they responsible at home and at school? Do they follow instructions and respect the rules? How do they approach age-appropriate responsibility?

Your child may begin to ask for a cell phone when they are as young as 10. For many children, this will not be the right age for their first phone.

For some who are emotionally mature and responsible, it could be a good fit. According to a Nielsen Report from 2017, most children get a cell phone between the ages of 8 and 12.

What’s their Rationale?

As bad as they may want a phone, your child also needs to be honest. Do they want it to watch Netflix, or do they want to Snapchat with their best buddy?

It’s about being open and honest about what they’ll use it for and why they feel they are ready for one.

As important as it is for your child to explain their reasons for wanting a cell phone, it is equally important for you to explain why you agree or disagree. Resist the urge to brush off your child’s pleas and take time to have a conversation about it.

Talk about what the advantages and disadvantages may be and be realistic with your child about what your expectations are regarding safety, time restraints, plan restrictions, etc, should they get a phone.

They did their Research

A clear indicator your child is ready for their first phone is how they approached the subject. Instead of harassing you and saying all of their friends have one, they took the time to research cell phone deals. One of the biggest motivators should be how they present their case to you.

Are they ready for the Added Responsibility?

Think about how they treat their prized possessions. Do they get mad and throw the game controller when they don’t win? As silly as it may sound, it does matter. If your child shows little regard for other things, how will they ever be responsible for a phone?

Getting their first cell phone is an important milestone in your child’s life. It shows your ongoing support as they venture towards young adulthood. However, never let guilt be the deciding factor.

Every child matures differently, so if you don’t think your child is quite ready, trust your gut feeling. When the time is right for a phone, both of you will know it.

Likewise, owning a car is a big step to becoming independent. You may be trying to decide if your teenager is ready for one. Here are some signs your teen is ready for their own car.

About the author

About the author

A graduate from the University of San Francisco, Anica Oaks is a full-time freelance writer. She’s already published articles for a variety of industries, ranging from technology to beauty to health. She loves dogs, the ocean and anything outdoor-related. You can connect with her on Google +.


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