
Six Easy Ways To Give up Cigarettes

Resolve is everything when it comes to quitting a bad habit. The same holds when you aim to give up cigarettes and say goodbye to smoking forever. However, it won’t be easy as a long habit is there to be broken, and an addiction to be chucked out.

Once you have made up your mind, everything will automatically fall into place, or at least, you can make them fall into place. You know smoking is dangerous to your health so, quitting is the best thing you should do. If you’re ready to quit, there will be no stopping you for sure.

You can follow some of these tips to quit smoking –      

  1. Pick a Date

First, you must pick a date, be it next week, next month or whenever. This gives you a set plan to work on or work around. With a definite date in mind, you can prepare yourself accordingly and plan your routine likewise.

This plan should also be communicated to your family members, friends and colleagues, so there is a social circle to support you in this noble endeavor. Once the date is there to adhere, you can start cutting back on the frequency of smoking so that you become ready for the day.      

  1. Change your Routine

Smoking is as much a habit as it is a routine. So, why not strike where it hurts the most? Which means you should look to change your routine a bit so that your habit could be checked.

For instance, if you smoke right after getting up in the morning, or on the way to your office, you can either start taking a morning walk or change the office route to curb the triggers. You can try tea instead of smoking or take a meal and then go for a walk to fight off cigarettes cravings.

  1. Wait Out the Cravings

All smokers are a slave to their cravings. They are ready to smoke as soon as this prickly craving rears its head. Most of them would light up a cigarette on cue right after a meal, or in the morning, or while working in the office.

They should look to wait out these cravings as it helps a lot in quitting smoking in the long run. Change of routines may also help a lot in avoiding those odd-hour cravings. If you want to quit smoking, this craving must be resisted, and then you can have control over this habit for sure.  

  1. Stay Busy

Some people take to smoking to avoid boredom. They find this habit relaxing and thus get hooked to it. They smoke to kill time as well, and over time, it becomes a habit hard to break.

To them, an ideal situation would be to find ways to stay busy, and they can also start chewing gum or eat something that takes the mind off smoking. Spending time with non-smoking friends can also help as this will stop the mind from needless diversions. You can play some games or watch a movie to kick the habit out forever.     

  1. Drink lots of Water and Stay Active

Staying hydrated is not only good for your overall health but also for your dental health as well. When you drink lots of water, it helps to keep nicotine away from your body. It would help if you sipped some cold water the moment you get the urge to smoke.

Similarly, you can get active. Run, walk, play and exercise daily to not only keep away from this bad habit but also to resist the urge to light up a cigarette. The more active you stay, the less likely you will need a cigarette.

  1. Don’t Cave In

After quitting smoking, the first few days will be the hardest where you may have nicotine-withdrawal symptoms including headaches, insomnia or a sore throat. These symptoms may make you feel sick, but remember they will go away if you show resolve. It would be best if you wait it out, and in the meantime, you can also consult the nearest dentist for further help in this regard.

About the author

About the author

This article is written by Akshay Sharma who is obsessed with Health and Food. He also loves to read new articles and enjoys spending time alone.

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