
Keeping Aging Parents Engaged During The Holiday’s

It’s the time of the year when we begin to slow down and realize just how busy we’ve all become. We have the opportunity to settle down and catch up with friends and family while enjoying the festivities.

Although this is an excellent opportunity for celebration and community, this may be the only interaction some aging parents can enjoy. While aging is a gift, it can bring about particular limitations as we begin to notice a change in our physical and cognitive skills, especially if it’s from an injury.

With this said, it’s important to consider a few things for your aging parent, especially around the holidays.

Guest of Honor

The holidays can bring about a lot of the hustle and bustle as we strive to attend certain festivities and find the items on everyone’s Christmas list. Frequently, this can leave us forgetful of the things that honestly matter.

This holiday season make the effort to include your elderly loved ones so they too can be a part of the festivities. Without the proper invitation, they could potentially be at home alone or at their nursing home with no one to celebrate with.

Allowing your elderly loved ones to attend more holiday events will bring about gatherings connecting the old and the young.

This interaction provides them with a visual display of the family they built and allows them to see just how big the family tree has grown.

This interaction provides them with a visual display of the family they built and allows them to see first hand just how big the family tree has grown.

Making them a part of family events is a great way to let them know how important they are. 

grandma watching grandchild sleep

Make Arrangements

Although the idea of having your mom or dad present at the holiday gathering can be a great idea, it can require some effort from the family. As we age, our bodies can begin to experience limitations that keep us from completing simple tasks.

For example, many families will have to arrange alternative transportation due to their elderly parent’s driving retirement, which keeps them from operating a vehicle. Or perhaps they’ve experienced an injury such as a broken bone that will require consideration as well.

In this case, be sure to offer your loved one’s options to ensure they can attend the event. Collaborate with friends and family to make arrangements before events. 

This way your parent doesn’t feel the need to get behind the wheel. Forcing your aging parent can be dangerous, especially if you’re in an area that experiences winter weather.

Keep it Going

The holidays bring out the best in us.  Even though it comes once a year, the holidays teach us to keep the spirit bright year-round.

Be sure to find a way to include your elderly loved ones in your day to day. Perhaps it’s a trip to dinner, working on a project, cleaning their home, or a phone call.

Making a conscious effort every day is a great way to ensure that they are included. This type of positivity can alleviate isolation and promote positive thinking to avoid depression.

Otherwise, they may wait until the next important gathering before seeing their family again. This holiday season keeps giving back to your aging parents by spending more time with them.

Show them just how vital they are to the family. Letting them know they’re valued and are the core of the family can make all the difference.

About the author

About the author

Matt Rhoney is an avid reader on trending topics and a writer in his spare time. On the beautiful coast of North Carolina, you will usually find him catching up on the latest news with locals or the beach surfing, kayaking or paddle boarding. He loves to write pieces on health, fitness, and wellness, but often writes about families and safety.

Seniors deserve the full respect from others in society. They’ve lived for a long time, have rich experiences and deserve to be treated with all of the esteem in the world.

It’s critical for parents to make sure their youngsters understand how invaluable respecting their elders is. Get tips for engendering your kids with a respect for seniors.

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