
Things You Must Know To Get Your Teen Into College

High levels of stress frequently accompanies the preparation and meeting of deadlines for college applications. After the payment of application fees, long periods of uncertainty follows.

Usually, many colleges and universities take months to process applications and return decisions. However, understanding the admissions criteria for evaluating candidates will help you.

You can alleviate some of these stress and improve your child’s chance of getting accepted into their dream school.


According to Forbes, grade point average is the highest weighted factor admissions officers evaluate. It’s important to consider grade point average early enough.

This means as early as the start of your child’s high school career – ninth grade.  Falling behind from the beginning can affect their chances of getting into a top college more than any other factor. 

Along with grade point average, admissions officers also take into consideration the strength of your child’s curriculum.

You should encourage your child to take advanced placement classes whenever this is a viable option. Receiving high marks in these classes will significantly bolster their application’s strength.

Standardized Test Scores

Although admissions officers heavily weigh applications based on academics, your child could have a flawless academic record and still not have their application reviewed.

This is because many universities use standardized scores as the first filter in evaluating applicants.

According to US News, schools like UCLA receive nearly 100,000 applications annually and don’t have the workforce to evaluate every application. In cases like this, applications meeting the SAT/ACT cutoff are sent on for further evaluation; the ones that don’t are automatically rejected.

Make sure your child’s application doesn’t fall into the rejected stack. How? By emphasizing the importance of studying for standardized tests, as well as getting someone to help them like one of the professional tutors at Vince Kotchian Test Prep.

Also, encourage them to retake these tests if they don’t achieve the score they’re looking for on first attempt.


Grades and tests scores are quite impersonal, which is why the essay is an integral part of the application. This is your child’s opportunity to show what sets them apart from similar applicants.

It’s important to focus on extracurricular activities, community involvement and volunteer work in your essay. This way, the admission officer will know your child is more than just a grade point average.

There should be no rush while writing an essay. It shouldn’t be something you whip out in twenty minutes.

Take an in-depth look at your prompt; think about what kind of answer the person evaluating your essay might be looking for. Brainstorm about different topics and experiences you can include in the essay.

Once you have made a choice that suits the prompt, create an outline that includes an introduction, body and conclusion.

Remember to center the thesis as an answer to the immediate question. When you set out to write, let your personality shine through.

When the essay is complete, proofread – preferably at least twice, and if possible, with two different people. It will help minimize or eliminate the number of mistakes.

Understanding the application and evaluation process will make applying to colleges less stressful. It will also increase your child’s chances of getting into their top choice college.


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US News

About the author

About the author

I’m Harper Harmon a freelance writer and blogger who focuses on business, health and other various topics. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communication from UCLA. I currently live in Santa Cruz, CA with my dog, Sassy.

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