
Why Attend Even When You Really Don’t Want To?

Going to an event can be a touchy subject. When someone asks you to go, there are so many questions you have.

  • What is it?
  • Where is it?
  • How long will it be?
  • What will you end up doing?
  • Who else is going?

Yep, we take events pretty personally. It can be a huge burden to attend a concert, conference or sporting event when you have no interest in the activity at all.

However, there are great benefits to attending these events – yes, even when the subject matter isn’t your jam.

So whether you were personally invited to go by a good friend or your boss is forcing you to go, remember these six things are valid reasons you should attend…even if you really don’t want to.

Everyone Could Use a Break

Accept the moment for what it is and embrace the time you have to take a break from work, extraneous projects or chilling at home. Just because you’re there doesn’t mean you have to completely invest in every moment and meet-up.

If this is you, you can use that laid-back attitude to come and go, picking up interesting observations you wouldn’t have otherwise. In the end, you’ll have had a relaxed day where you could focus on aspects of the event that really interested you.

There’s Always Something New

When attending an event, there’s usually one aspect in particular that will speak to you. While you may learn quite a bit about that subject, you’ll also be surprised at the other fascinating things you learn and try simply because of the event’s scale and the number of attendees.

Even one new experience will be worth attending the entire event.

You Deserve a Change of Pace

Events provide a nice change of pace to your regular routine. Especially when you’re used to preparing the same reports and attending the same meetings nearly every day.

You might be within the same field of instruction, but accessing it through a course discussion or presentation can give you a new perspective and prompt new thinking when you return to the office.

New Connections Can Become New Friends or Business Partners

Events are an important way to network. Also to discover the current thoughts and ideas floating around out there.

You don’t have to force conversations to have positive interactions that could result in a familiar face at the next event or a new relationship that gives you both support and forward momentum.

Even if you have no interest in talking about business with these people, you can still chat with them about literally anything else. This is an opportunity to practice skills you’ve learned through team-building exercises or life skills workshops and simply have a good time.

It’s Worth Supporting

Maybe you’re not a fan of the event but you love what it’s doing to benefit your community or an important organization. You can attend simply to support that cause and those who have put so much time and effort into putting it on.

You can give back, too, by participating in different parts of the event or even providing back up to those already busy behind the scenes.

You’ll Get Something Out of It

If nothing else, attending an event with a friend or coworker will expand your thinking and build your experiences for the future.

Maybe you’ll pick up important information in overheard discussions, but it could be as simple as coming out the other side with a funny story about quirky people, equipment malfunctions or awkward interactions.

About the author

About the author

Stephanie Bowman graduated from Edinburgh Napier University in 2016 with a master’s degree in creative writing. When she isn’t writing, she loves playing music, traveling and devouring information on a variety of subjects. She also religiously follows the sport of jump rope.

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