
Five Signs You Should Take Your Pet To The Vet

 Nobody likes the idea of taking their pet to the vet, but sometimes it’s better safe than sorry.

Your pet is more than just an animal to you; theyre a member of your family. They are your BFF, the one who can make you feel better with just a wag of a tail or a puppy-eyed stare.

The last thing you want to think about is them being sick or hurt and having to take them to the vet. First, because you don’t want to see them in any pain, and second, taking them to the vet can cost a pretty penny.

However, if you really care about your pet and want to make sure they have a long and happy life it’s best to take them for yearly check-ups.

Here are five signs it’s time to take your pet to the vet and make sure your best pal is feeling 100%.

1. Drinking too Much or too Little

You should always keep tabs on how much your cat or dog is drinking water, just to make sure they are staying hydrated and healthy.

However, if you notice your dog or cat drinking excessive amounts of water, it may be a sign something isn’t right with them. How you will know – if you feel like you are refilling their water way more than normal and it seems they have to pee a lot or even go pee in the house.

This could be a sign of diabetes, kidney problems, or a urinary infection.

The same goes if you notice they aren’t drinking enough water or any water at all. This can make them dehydrated and be a sign of some severe issues so it probably best to take them to the vet.

2. Super Sleepy

When you come home the first thing your pet usually does is try to jump on you with excitement and try to lick you all over. But recently you’ve noticed this type of reaction decreasing a ton, and it seems all they do is sleep.

Although pets do sleep a lot, if you notice that your pet is unusually sleepy or lethargic it might be time to call a vet. Even a phone call to ask the vet what they think and if you should bring them in is a good idea.

The vet will tell you whether to bring them in or not. If you don’t know who to call you can search something like “vets in Idaho Falls” or whatever city you reside in.

3. Gunk in the Eyes

Everyone, including cats and dogs, can get sleep crusties when they wake up in the morning.

But if it seems that your pet is continually having gunk in their eyes or their eyes seem to be changing to a grey color it’s probably time to take them in and get it checked out.

If it is an eye infection or something more serious it’s best to get the care and medicine that is needed. If those types of things go unchecked it could lead to blindness.

4. Too Skinny

Maybe your dog or cat could stand to be a little more active, but that is different than sudden and rapid weight loss.

If you notice that your pet has suddenly started to lose weight or is refusing food that is a big sign that something more serious is going on, and it’s best to have them checked out by a professional who can help assess the problem.

5. Odd Droppings

As much as you love picking up after your dog or cat, it’s important to pay attention to what you are picking up.

For example, if your dog’s poop goes from wet and brown to hard with blood, wet with worms, or even diarrhea, it’s best to go ask a veterinarian what is going on.

Things like blood and worms in the poop could signify something like an allergy, stomach problems or more serious health issues.

About the author

About the author

Tamsyn Valentine is a freelance content writer and creator, wife and mom of two. She has a Bachelor’s degree in communication, with an emphasis in public relations and advertising.

Are there other signs we should look for in deciding whether we need to take our pet to the vet? Don’t keep them to yourself please share them in the Comments. Thank you.

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