
Four Family Activities You Can Do Year-Round

It’s starting to get cold outside. A lot of your family’s favorite outdoor activities might be off the table.

But that doesn’t mean you have to hibernate all winter long and waiting for Spring. There are plenty of fun things to do with your family all year long.

Take a look at this list and plan some fun family outings.

  1. Local Attractions

In most towns, or near most towns, there are attractions like museums and historical sites. These are usually open all year round, providing you with a great way to bond with every family member from the oldest to youngest.

Find something you know your family can all enjoy together, and be tourists in your own town. If you live near Jackson, Wyoming, you can find many fun things to do in Teton County with your family this time of year.

  1. Skating

Whether you want to go ice skating or roller skating, skating rinks are open all year long – at least the indoor ones. Plan a trip to go skating, and learn something new with your family if you don’t already know how to skate.

You can play tag or race each other on skates, or have fun just rolling around the floor. Most skating rinks play music during open skate, so make up some fun dance moves when the music comes on.

  1. Zoo

Is there a zoo near you? Then take your family!

The zoo is a great place for family bonding any time of the year. If you’re going in the spring or summer, you can enjoy all the animals out and about socializing or the new born animals.

And your younger kids will love the petting zoo! In the winter, many zoos put up lights for the holidays, and even if the animals aren’t all out, the lights are always fun to go see.

  1. Library

Yes, that’s right, the library. If you have a family of readers, or are trying to get your kids to read more, take a trip to the library. They are open all year round and you can find books and movies about anything.

If you live in a small town, take a trip to a larger city library. There are always fun kids’ sections with toys, movies and books.

Let each child pick out a book or two they can read on their own time. You can even pick out some books to read together as a family.

Many libraries have activities going on during the summers and holidays too, so go to your local library to see what kind of fun things you can take your family to.

Don’t despair because the weather has put a damper on things. There is still plenty you can go out and do with your family that isn’t determined by the weather.

Just get creative and have fun with it. Let each member of the family take turns picking something they want to do.

About the author

About the author

Kaili is the Content Lead at Manwaring Web Solutions, a web design company in Idaho Falls. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, with an emphasis in News and Journalism. Prior to her current job, she worked as a freelance writer and copy editor.

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