
Five Tips For Planning Kid’s Parties

Kids love parties. While they may have the time of their lives they have little idea of the work and planning that goes into a successful party. 

Here are some tips to make sure you throw a party that’s fun for everyone, even the grownups.

  1. Planning

Start your planning no less than four weeks before the arrival of the big day. A checklist is important to make sure you cover every area, use your time efficiently and organize your efforts.

Planning doesn’t need to be complicated – keep it simple. In fact, a thorough checklist should help you see at a glance what is remaining to be done for the event.

You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Likewise in planning your party, break the event down into several components such as the invites, guest list, decorations, food, games, entertainment, goody bags, etc.

Now make a list of the things you need to do for each component. This will make your event much less overwhelming.

  1. When

Date and time are important when planning a party. I prefer to host the party in the afternoon because I have the whole morning to decorate and prepare the food.

But I got a friend who prefers to host the party in the morning. She thinks she can have the afternoon free to clean up the place.

In fact, there’s no right or wrong time to host a kid’s party. The main thing is to find the right time for you so you can host it in a relaxed manner.

Selecting the date is the other important thing. You should check with some of your guests to find out if they’re available on the selected date before actually handing out any invites.

You could avoid any disappointment that way.

  1. Team Effort

You should make the planning a team effort by enlisting the help of the other family members, friends, and even the birthday boy or girl if he/she is old enough. You can delegate certain jobs such as baking the cake and blowing up balloons to your family members or blowhard friends. 😛 

Preparation for the event becomes more fun when you have everyone involved in the project.

  1. Entertainment and Games

This is the most stressful part of a kid’s party. But it doesn’t have to be complicated.

In fact, younger kids, especially preschoolers, don’t need any structured games or entertainment. They will run around and make their own games when the time comes.

If you are still worried about some entertainment for them, bubble wands or kids glow sticks are more than enough to keep them happy. Older kid’s entertainment is a bit more complicated.

You need something that helps them get creative such as letting them decorate some pre-baked cookies and cupcakes or letting them painting a mural. There are many other entertainment opportunities for older kids.

Just do your research on the Internet, and you will come across a host of these opportunities.

You should finish everything before the party starts. If not, you will have to run around and stress yourself while the party is on.

Make sure you follow the items in the checklist and cross out each item once you finish it. That way you can do a lot of things ahead of time in order to make the big day much more relaxing for you and everyone in your family.

About the author

About the author

Cormac Reynolds writes on fashion for some blogs and thoroughly enjoys it. When he’s not writing for fashion blogs, he loves to travel.

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