Underage Drinking and Driving
Underage Drinking and Driving: Why You Should Talk to Your Teen
If you’re the parent of a teenager or of a child who will soon be a teenager, it’s important to have a talk about underage drinking and driving. Being a teenager often means frequent challenges with peer pressure.
Experimentation is relatively common with teens. Teenagers can be naturally attracted to a risk or getting a rush.
While many of the foolish things teens might do are harmless, making the wrong choice in some situations can ruin a life.
Here’s why you should talk to your teen about drinking and driving and how serious of an impact it can have on a life.
You Want Your Child to Maintain Self Respect
Get real with your teens. It’s likely they’ll respond to embarrassing stories of things that can happen when you’ve had too much to drink.
Your child probably wants to maintain their self-respect just as much as you want them to, if not more. As much as a person thinks they’re in control when they’re drinking, it’s really the alcohol that’s in the driver’s seat.
Make sure your teen fully understands the consequences of what could happen if they’ve had too much to drink. What would happen if an important relationship they have was altered or even ruined because they were drinking alcohol?
Make Sure They Understand the Consequences of Drinking Underage
Underage drinking is illegal – it’s that simple. If a teenager is caught drinking or even in possession of alcohol, chances are they’re going to receive some kind of ticket, which could lead to a misdemeanor.
Underage drinking and driving is a sure-fire way to get a DUI. According to Phoenix DUI lawyer, Zachary Mushkatel, a first-time offense can lead to up to six months of jail time.
A charge of any kind can loom over a person’s head for many years to come, whether when applying to colleges or to jobs. This can truly ruin someone’s future.
What could be worse than getting caught drinking and driving? Actually hurting someone or even killing them simply because someone chose to get behind the wheel. Talk about ruining a life…
Alcohol Slows Your Reflexes
As much as someone may think they’re “good to drive,” it’s highly likely they’re not.
Reflexes are slowed significantly after drinking alcohol, making it difficult to make any kind of quick decision mentally or physically.
If a car swerves in front of a teen who has had one beer, perhaps it wasn’t the teen’s fault in the first place, but because their reflexes were weak, they weren’t able to respond quickly enough.
Blurred vision and lack of depth perception are also issues that making driving while impaired incredibly difficult.
Encourage conversation with your teen and let them know you want to have completely open communication with them about this topic.
Asking open-ended questions and steering clear of any signs of judgment will let your teen know you truly care about their future and would like to support them in any way you can.
It’s estimated eight out of 10 high school students have tried alcohol at least once. People who start drinking alcohol at a young age are more likely to become alcoholics later in life. That’s why it’s important to talk to your stepchildren about the risks of drinking. Click here to get some tips that will make it easier for you to talk to your teen about the dangers of drinking.