
Ways To Keep The Passion Alive

Marriage and time with a long-term partner can take its toll on the physical side of your love life. These tips will help make sure this isn’t an issue – take a look.

You could benefit from some non-sleep aids. When it comes to your love life, there should never be a dull moment. Every couple can benefit from some sensual tips.

Maybe you keep items in a particular drawer, or you tuck them away in a box within your closet, you’ll find the right products can make a world of difference. For a lot of couples, this additional foreplay accessory can mean having the best sex ever.

Intimacy is something that shows a loving and dramatic correlation and bond between two people. When you can spend decent time together before the fireworks go off, the chances are both of you will be in for a much bigger explosion.

In general, foreplay is critical. However, it can sometimes be overlooked with how busy life can become.

Think about using K-Y Yours+Mine Kissable Sensations the next time you are getting ready to explore in the bedroom. You’re sure to experience the most enjoyable foreplay you’ve ever imagined.

Have you ever thought about setting up a staycation? There are a lot of us who may not be able to afford a trip to somewhere exotic.

Instead, you can make the most of it by setting aside some time to stay home and enjoy time with their partner. You should think about setting out to spend time with one another while shutting out the rest of the world.

This is the perfect time to reconnect where you can bring together the romance and do some of the things that were neglected. Share foot rubs, cuddle on the couch for movie night or even make a candlelit dinner at home. Perhaps learn something new from a book like the Kamasutra – it could provide you with some good ideas on how to spice things up.

Did you know there’s been a lot of research done that shows there’s a significant connection between foreplay and the way the fireworks go down when you hit the bedroom? Sometimes, even holding hands and kissing can be all of the foreplay you need before getting down to business.

Think about adding in something extra to spark the cuddle hormone so you can have a stronger connection and sense of romance. Even a 20-second hug and a kiss can be just right to get the sparks going.

About the author

About the author

Cormac Reynolds writes on fashion for a number of blogs and thoroughly enjoys it. When he’s not writing for fashion blogs he loves to travel.

Whether you’ve been married for years and want to reignite that spark or if you’re simply looking to rekindle romance, here are tips to bring back that lovin’ feeling.

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