
Secrets To Make Your New Baby Fit Into A Small Budget

Having a new baby comes with its own expenses. There’s little doubt this can put a strain on many family budgets. You may be worried about the high cost of diapers and formula, but there are quite a few steps you can take to make your new baby fit into a small budget.

Cut Back On The Little Extras

Before you got pregnant, you may have eaten out regularly or gone to the corner coffee shop every day. Spend a few weeks tracking expenses, and eliminate the smaller ones where you can.

As you shave money off your own household spending, you’ll make it easier to afford the precious miracle that’s in your life now.

Reassess Needs And Wants

Your child needs a crib, car seat, clothes, and a few toys. However, most of the gear that’s aimed towards babies isn’t really necessary. It’s nice for the parents’ convenience, but it’s certainly not required for your baby’s well-being and happiness.

Before you spend money on expensive gear or items, ask yourself if it’s truly necessary or if your baby will be just as safe and happy without it.

Look For The Sales

It’s not recommended to buy used car seats and cribs due to the potential for safety recalls, but you can certainly wait for sales. Your child can live quite happily in a simple playpen or bassinet for the first month of life, so you have a little time to get your hands on an affordable crib.

You can also shop used for items like toys. Some of the best baby deals on clothing are always available on sites like Baby Steals, so you can easily save on this expense.

Some people shop after the end of a season and buy clothes in the next size or two up. By the time the season rolls around again, these clothes will fit. If you do this, then make sure you have an organized space to store the clothes in so you won’t forget about them.

Generic Options

The best way to save on formula is to breastfeed. However, this won’t work for every mother.

If you’re using formula, then give the generic a try. The formulas are regulated by the FDA, so you can be confident your child will still receive quality food.

With diapers, ask your friends if they’ve tried different generic brands. You may find one that works as well as the name brands at a fraction of the price.

DIY Food

Those little jars of baby food are expensive. The kids don’t always like the taste. Rather than surrendering the space in your cabinets and dealing with the added expense, consider pureeing your own food.

When you’re making a dish, add the seasonings last so you can pull out some food that’s a little blander for the baby. Use a mini-processor to puree the dish into an appropriate consistency. Your child will get used to eating the same food as you, and you’ll save a small fortune at the grocery store.

Saving On Day Care

It’s a fact day cares can be costly, and can easily become one of your biggest expenses. If you’re not building a career, then it may be more cost-effective for you to stay home and return to work later.

Other couples decide to have one person switch to a night shift to save on day care. You may also find you have a family member or close friend who’s willing to help out on a part-time basis so you can reduce the overall expense. Remember your day care costs are a tax write-off. Be sure to claim that credit when you file.

Having a baby is expensive, but there’s hope for you. With these tips, you can save without sacrificing the quality of care for your child. With a little diligence and some smart changes, you can make your new baby a little more affordable.

About the author

About the author

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She studied writing and journalism at the University of New Mexico. After graduating she moved to Los Lunas where she now lives and works. Contact her via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

Opening a savings account and who’s going to work are two of the six financial preparation tips for your new baby. Click here to learn four more financial preparation tips.


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