
When’s The Best Time For A Mommy Makeover?

Motherhood is a great thing after all none of us would be here without one. 🙂 Unfortunately, not everything about childbearing is wonderful for a woman’s appearance that’s why so many women are interested in Mommy Makeover surgery. A series of procedures designed to reverse the unflattering effects of childbirth. Gentlemen, with Mother’s Day around the corner a mommy makeover may be the ideal gift for the missus especially if she has mentioned it. Read on and find out.

What’s A Mommy Makeover?

A “Mommy Makeover” lifts the breasts with or without increasing the size and tightens the skin of the abdomen, restoring the areas most affected by age and pregnancy. The procedure restores your partner’s body to the way it was before pregnancy.

Post pregnancy your partner’s skin may have stretch marks and may sag even after she’s lost the extras pounds. Also, due to weight gain and breast feeding her breasts will expand. When she’s done breast feeding, her breasts will deflate and leave them droopier than before. Unlike some cosmetic surgeries which can be done any time, there are factors to consider before making the commitment.


  • Family Planning

Your partner should be reasonably sure she’s finished having children before talking to a plastic surgeon about getting a mommy makeover. During pregnancy, your partner’s belly expands to accommodate the growing child which stretches the abdomen to some degree. 

  • Timing

The reason why your partner should wait until she’s finished having children is because each pregnancy will stretch the skin and some of the shapeliness restored to her body from the makeover will be undone.  Most women who have the surgery already have the family size they want and are between the ages of 30 to 39.  Having the surgery while your partner is younger will support her faster recovery and of course both you and her get to enjoy the benefits of the makeover longer.

  • Finances

The cost of a Mommy Makeover varies by location and the surgeon. A Mommy Makeover generally costs anywhere from $13,000 to $20,000. The cost is made up of three parts: the surgeon, the anesthesiologist and the operating room. A Mommy Makeover is considered a cosmetic or elective procedure and is outside of insurance coverage.

Breast reduction surgery is one exception. If your partner’s breasts are very large, causing shoulder, back and neck pain your insurance company will frequently cover breast reduction surgery to reduce the symptoms.  Also many plastic surgeons offer financing options for the Mommy Makeover.

If your partner undergoes surgery once; she is exposed to anesthesia once. She takes time away from her family, children and work once. The costs are at least 50% reduced, because the surgical fees are for a single procedure, rather than two separate procedures. By combining the surgeries into one procedure, your partner will save time and money while decreasing risk.

As long as the breast augmentation procedure fits into your partner’s personal and career plans and your family’s finances, the benefits will far out weigh the costs.

  •  Risks

The risks are similar to most major operations.  They include wound healing, bleeding, infection and fluid collection.

Plastic surgeons and most patients recommend doing the procedures at one time to minimize recovery time.  You don’t heal any faster but you only go through you only go through the process once.  A tummy tuck, breast lift and implants each needs 7 to 10 days of recovery before your partner can comfortably return to work. 

More recovery time will be needed if your partner has a physical job. Doing the procedures separately will require 21-30 days of recovery time as compared to 7 to 10 days when combined.  The complications rates for the Mommy Makeover are exactly the same as when the procedures involved were done separately.

Another consideration is the anesthesia risk. The riskiest time of anesthesia is the going to sleep and the waking up.  The period while you’re under is the most stable. So, having one anesthetic (one go to sleep and one wake up) is better than doing them all separate (three and three).

  • Aging

Your partner’s body will also change as a result of her growing older. Her breasts will lose their perkiness over time and may need a breast lift or augmentation to restore their youthfulness. The sooner your partner has a mommy makeover, the faster she can start enjoying having a shapely body again.

However, she may be tempted to wait so she can also combat the effects of aging. To get a sense of how she might like her body in five or more years, have her look at photo’s of her mother at that age and gauge her reaction.

Closing Thoughts

Whether your partner wants to have a mommy makeover today or wait a few years, the choice should work for you, your partner and your family. The benefit of opting for the procedure sooner rather than later means she can still enjoy her youth while your children are young. There’s no better feeling for a woman than being a great mom who looks good while on the job!

About the author

About the author

The author Jane Willys is interested in learning more about surgeries and medical aesthetic procedures to achieve the look one desires. She’s looking for a more renewed and positive attitude towards surgeries! You can follow her at Twitter.

Do you know why Mother’s Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May? Find out by clicking here

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