
Toddler’s Got A Brand New Bag

Traveling with a toddler is not for the timid and requires thoughtful preparation. Since a toddler’s attention lasts more or less about fifteen minutes – just the time you need to board – having a bag full of activities is a must.

Many people call it the “Are we there yet?” bag.

It earned its name for a reason. Regardless of how you travel – bus, plane, boat or car your toddler will need to be occupied for a while unless you enjoy getting nasty looks from your fellow passengers for your child’s unruliness.  Here’s what you will need.

It’s In The Bag

Picking the right bag isn’t just your choice. The bag should be likeable and fit the likes and tastes of your child. You can go and look for one with your toddler.

If you want it to be a surprise, you can conduct a survey of the cartoons, animals or superheroes your kid likes and pick one they’ll like. If you’re creative and handy with a sewing machine you can make a genuine, original bag.

If you’re adventurous and not afraid of some nasty looks, try out bags with leashes. They’re very useful if you’re going on a cruise and don’t want your child bouncing around the deck. Also prepare some sorting containers or zip lock bags for all the things you’re going to place in the bag to keep them separated.

The Treats

Remember to bring healthy snacks loaded with vitamins and nutrients. Fruits and veggies must be on the list. You’ll also need some snacks for mommy and daddy too.

Hungry and grumpy parents won’t be able to handle many questions otherwise. Add a pack of sugar-free bubble gum. Just make sure your toddler puts it back in the wrapper when they’re done chewing.

Toys R You

Depending on your toddler’s age and phase of development, you’ll need to bring a lot of different yet educational toys to keep them busy and occupied. You’ll grow to appreciate a coloring book, picture and sticker books.

For tactile learners, stickers, fuzzy or furry toys and all kinds of sorting buttons, ABC games and the like will come as a blessing. Avoid bringing balls, especially marbles, since finding them or having them all around the plane will be a nightmare. Bring along a couple of ear plugs, either for you or your fellow travelers if your toddler still manages to make noise.


You can bring books that have something to do with the place you’re traveling to. This way you will have the time to read to them things they will be able to see in person.

If your child is learning to read, you can bring word find search or entertaining coloring book. And you never know when an extra notebook will come handy.

Finally, a fun tip is to WRAP EVERYTHING UP! Use gift wrapping paper or even cloth. Imagining what will be in each package will add suspense for your child who will cherish it even more.

If you succeed in your task of making a super fun activity bag, you can promise your child to get another one the next time you find yourselves on the road.

About the author

About the author

Melissa Stevens
is a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle enthusiast. She’s interested in practical solutions, simpler and more convenient lifestyles, and she likes sharing them with others. Mother of one cute boy, pet lover, and a long-time vegetarian. In her spare time she’s engaged in crafting, housekeeping, organizing family life and travel.

Traveling with a baby? Get invaluable tips from veteran baby travelers on what to pay close attention to when going on a trip with your youngest one.


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