
Welcome Spring With Your Home Clean and Ready

What are your plans for this Spring? Although the standard to-do list usually includes shopping, preparing your garden for planting and maybe packing your luggage for a short vacation with your family. There’s an additional task that can’t be overlooked: cleaning house.

No one wants to come back from a wonderful vacation, jet-lagged and ready to relax before returning to your daily routine, only to find your home cluttered and smelling foul. It’s Spring and all around you is the renewal of everything good.

Starting the cleaning process should be a first priority. You can make it more fun by involving your kids so they can share the feeling of accomplishment before setting off to your vacation destination.

It’s easy to forget certain things when you’re in a rush to get everything clean and clutter-free, so I’ve created a list of five things you need to take care of before starting your journey. These tips will make your life a lot simpler!

Remove The Garbage

Home Clean and Ready - Throw Out the GarbageImage:

This can’t be stressed enough. Garbage is usually the main cause of nasty odors, especially when it wasn’t taken out and was left to decompose before leaving on vacation.

  • How The Kids Can Help. Separate the garbage into smaller bags so it’s easier for the kids to carry. Have them help you bring it to the garbage cans.

Clean The Fridge

Home Clean and Ready - Calm and Clean the FridgeImage:

It’s extremely important to empty your fridge of any leftovers that may cause more harm than good upon your return. Remove any fruits, vegetables and meats you feel will go bad or past their expiration dates while you’re away.

If you feel bad about wasting food, you can always donate it or give it away to neighbors or family. It’s also a good idea to wipe down your fridge with disinfectant to ensure the refrigerator stays smells fresh while you’re away.

  • How The kids Can Help. Get the kids to help by having them help throw away unwanted leftovers!

Do The Laundry

Home Clean and Ready - Kids folding laundryImage:

If you have dirty laundry in the hamper, you’re better off washing them before you go rather than leaving them for when you get back. We all know dirty laundry tends to stink up the surrounding areas when not washed.

Upon doing the laundry, make sure you complete the process by drying everything thoroughly before putting the clothes away, otherwise you’ll be left with that dreadful smell of dried moist clothing.

  • How The Kids Can Help. Your kids can help with the process by helping you load the washing machine and dryer. Having them help in folding can also be made more intriguing to kids by allowing them to watch their favorite TV show or movie while doing so.

Wash The Dishes

Home Clean and Ready - Washing DishesImage:

Never leave dirty dishes in the kitchen sink! This can lead to foul smells, mold and the possibility of creepy crawlies. Save yourself triple trouble and get on the dishes before you leave!

  • How The Kids Can Help. Your kids can help with the process by loading the dish washer or drying the dishes. This can often be a fun and simple task for kids to do, but be sure to take care of any dangerous items (like knives) yourself.

Scrub the Bathroom

Home Clean and Ready - Cleaning the BathroomImage:

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in a house to clean. Scrub the bathroom sink well and wipe shower and mirrors with squeegees. If you are having a tub wipe clean using a damp-cloth. Don’t forget to mop clean the floors as the collected water can cause molds on the floor, especially in corners.

  • How The Kids Can Help. Kids can give a hand with wiping the bathroom down after it is cleaned. This will prevent them from having to use potentially toxic bathroom cleaners while still keeping them involved. They can be given a damp-cloth to clean the bath and shower accessories and also can ask them to clean any soap scum on the trays or dispensers.

Here are some other things you can take care of before heading off to your vacation destination:

  • Vacuum the carpets
  • Make the beds with clean sheets
  • Dust the furniture

Cleaning can become a heavy weight on your shoulders if you have a messy house and don’t know where to begin. It’s always better to break up the job into smaller, more manageable pieces and complete the tasks one at a time.

Trust the effort is well worth it. Once you get back from your vacation you’ll be extremely glad you spent the time to straighten up and clean the clutter.

I hope this list helps in making Spring cleaning a lot simpler for you and your family!

About the author

About the author

I believe that home management is an art where you give life to your imagination. Every design, every idea which is unique from the other is what a home owner always expects to have for their home, to stand out from the rest. I feel satisfied and happy when I can help others to make their dream home, a reality. – Mayes Marilynn

Once you’re done cleaning your home you may want to do some life cleaning.  Thankfully it doesn’t have to be Springtime for you to turn your life around – you can make positive changes at any time of the year as explained in this post.




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