To Be a Father

Six Essential Lessons & Skills Fathers Should Pass On To Their Sons

Mankind is split biologically into two sexes, each with their traditional functions and roles. Being a provider, protector, leader and teacher are just some of a father’s roles. There are lessons and skills father’s generally teach their son’s at home and reinforced out in society.

Skill#1 – Dealing With Bullies

Sharing and other aspects of good social behavior taught to boys from their infancy are mocked and exploited by bullies of all ages to mistreat others. When to laugh something off, when to use force and when to involve adults is not an easy thing to master.

Start early and be consistent.

It’s important to teach them violence is never okay, even if they didn’t start it.

They should know how to effectively deal with their anger and other emotions when dealing with difficult people at all stages of life.

Skill#2 – Tools vs. Toys

Introduce simple tools as toys and gradually increase the complexity to cover hand tools and later power tools.

Ensure the boy understands two basic principles governing the use of all tools: using the right tool for the job, and that well-maintained quality tools will last forever.

Knowing how to use different tools for various projects will give sons the knowledge needed to fix things on their own and build what they want.

Skill#3 – Navigation

Not just about maps, navigation involves being aware of one’s surroundings. Start young, with simple treasure maps. Young men should understand the compass, orienting to compass and map, and find their way around a strange area using a map, without a GPS. This goes for city, country and suburbs.

This is a good skill for them to learn while camping and backpacking. As they get older, make it more difficult for them. Have them navigate difficult hikes and backpacking trips instead of you, and help along the way so they understand how to use GPS and maps together.

Skill#4 – Weapons

Like it or not, in the real world, weapons are real and necessary to understand. The appropriateness of specific weapons varies widely from location to location, as does the appropriate age for their possession. Do everything possible to teach respect for weapons’ capabilities from the earliest age, and to allow them to safely gain proficiency in their use.

Even if you don’t own guns in the home, chances are their friends families might. It’s important that they know what not to do and how to be safe it they find a weapon at a young age.

Skill#5 – Basic Auto Maintenance and Repair

By the time he is old enough to learn to drive a young man should understand how a car works and be able to change a tire. Teach them to maintain the fluids and keep the interior clean. Though modern cars are harder to work on, get them under the hood with tools as much as possible.

It’s just as important for them to know when they cant’ fix it. Trying DIY repairs can be expensive and timely, so encouraging them to take their car to a professional is important.

Skill#6 – Maintaining One’s Appearance

Dating age is far too late to teach a young man how to match clothing and keep nails cleaned and trimmed. At puberty, teach him to tie neckties and shave, using scents judiciously. This is about self-confidence and self-esteem and not getting the girl.

Men must work together to ensure boys in their community who cannot get this knowledge at home can get it from them. Critical skills must be passed on to the young men, for their own sake and society.

Informational credit to Minit-Tune International Corp.

About the author

About the author

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She often writes about home, family, finance and business. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing.

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