How to Be a Good StepdadManhoodSons

Five Great Stepfather And Stepson Bonding Ideas

There’s nothing like the special bond between a stepfather and his stepson. It is especially important to start bond building from the very beginning of the relationship. Any time a stepfather spends with his stepson is important, here are five ideas to make bonding time extra special:

Go To A Sporting Event

A classic bonding activity, few things bring to mind a more distinct image than a father and son watching a ballgame together. Enjoying a couple hot dogs, slurping down sodas, catching a ball in the stands and cheering on the home team will build a bond that will last for life.

Even if going to a professional game is out of the budget or too far away, you can look for a minor league or even high school team. You will be able to talk to your son about the game and strengthen your bond no matter the sport.

Go Fishing

Fishing is the perfect bonding activity with your stepson. It gives you the chance to teach your stepson how to rig a line, cast the bait and reel the fish in.

It’s hard to beat the excitement of catching and grilling your very own fish together. The downtime that naturally occurs when fishing provides a wonderful opportunity for a father and son chat, making this a great bonding activity.

Restore A Car

Today, many men have no clue how to fix and maintain a car. A car restoration project will teach you valuable skills as you bond together. You will have the satisfaction of creating something together, and will be able to look at the restored car for years to come as a reminder of time you spent together.

Even if your son is too young to completely restore a car you can start with basic maintenance like oil changes and fixing a flat tire. Full restorations can be pricey, so to save money on a project like this, places like Mikeโ€™s Auto Towing sell used car and truck parts up in British Columbia Canada. There are all kinds of bargains and salvage yards around the country that can make this bonding experience an affordable.

Go Camping

Going camping will give you the opportunity to spend a whole weekend together bonding and having a great time. You can build a campfire, go fishing or swimming, pitch a tent and grill your supper over a campfire. There will be plenty of time for heart to heart talks and bonding, making camping a perfect chance to laugh and learn together.

Play Catch

Playing catch is a simple, easy way to bond that you can fit into any schedule. It doesn’t matter whether or not either of you are skilled athletes, there is something timeless about a father and son chatting as they toss a ball back and forth. If your son doesn’t particularly enjoy catch you can substitute anything else like shooting hoops, kicking a soccer ball, or even just singing and dancing.

All of these activities will help a stepfather and stepson bond and enjoy each others company. In the end, however, it doesn’t matter exactly how you and your son spend time together, it’s just that you set time aside just for him. Sooner or later you will look back and cherish every single second spent together.

About the author

About the author

Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isnโ€™t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge she loves to share in her writings. Be sure to check out her previous article, โ€œDrinking & Driving: Tips For Discussing With Your Teen.”

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