
Traits – What Attracts Men and Women

Women Singing

When it comes to understanding exactly which traits men find attractive in women and vice versa, many of us have our own pre-supposed ideas. We tend to think women like their men tall, dark, handsome and dashing. While men generally go for women who are pretty and curvaceous.

But you might be surprised to learn this isn’t the whole story. In fact, there are a number of traits we regard in a potential partner which we give an equal, if not higher priority to, than just appearance. Personality is just as much a part of the attraction as looks.

So which personality traits do men specifically look for in a woman? If you’re in the dating game, and find yourself putting up a front to make yourself more appealing, then stop.

We know it’s cliché, but it’s always best just to be yourself.

Don’t be misleading. Just accentuate your positive personality traits. Here are the top five traits most men find desirable in a lady:

Sense of Humor

It’s no secret most women like their men to be able to make them laugh, and have a great sense of humor. But it works both ways too. A witty nature is something most men find very attractive in a potential partner.

Just remember never to take it too far on a date – dirty jokes or stories about the time one of your partners had to pop a couple of Viagra to help with their blood flow are strictly TMI (Too Much Information). Keep it clean and tasteful.


Men love to be able to shower their girlfriends with gifts – but they also prefer someone with spiritual and emotional substance over someone who places value in material possessions.

Most women wouldn’t measure a man by the type of car they have or the size of their house, and it works the other way too.

Capable and Independent

Every man likes to be a knight in shining armor on occasion, and the needy princess routine is something which many might find sweet and attractive at first.

But it is also something a lot of men tire of quickly. Guys appreciate those women who can fend for themselves and are capable of succeeding as individuals.


Being spontaneous and unpredictable every once in a while is great. But most men would admit they would rather be with someone who is reliable, and follows through on what they say they’ll do, as opposed to someone who changes direction on a whim.

Attentive Listener

Pretty much everyone would agree, whether they’re a man or a woman, one of the chief things they look for in a partner is someone they can talk to and confide in.

When you listen to your partner’s problems and offer your understanding and guidance, then it can provide a great sense of affirmation and comfort to them. And they’ll be more receptive when it’s your turn to do the talking.

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This article is written by Caroline who works for Express Doctor. In her free time she loves to go shopping and spend time with her partner Adam.

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