
Five Reasons Your Child Might Be Getting Repeatedly Sick

Repeatedly sick - dad with sick child in bedA repeatedly sick child can quickly cause great worry to a parent. If your child is repeatedly getting sick time after time, it is important to check around the house to ensure the reason is not within the home. If the reason is not in the home, you should check to see what health practices your children are using at school. Although it is not always the case, there are a couple reasons that your child might be repeatedly getting sick.

Cold Bedroom While Sleeping

Many times a child can become repeatedly sick by sleeping in a cold room. During the winter months, it is important to make sure windows are properly insulated to block drafts and cold air from seeping into the child’s room, especially at night. A way to help prevent this issue is to insulate windows with shutters. Insulating windows with shutters is also good during summer months to block out sunlight and keep a room cooler.

Hidden Dust in the Home

Hidden dust can often make a child’s allergies go haywire. The easiest way to prevent this is to make sure all the usual culprits for hidden dust are properly cleaned each time the home is tidied up. It is common to forget to dust plants, blinds and baseboards. All of these spots are known for hiding dust.

Mold in the HomeRepeatedly sick - mold in kid's room

If mold ever becomes a problem in a household, it is almost impossible to completely clean the home of it. Mold likes to grow in moist areas of the home. These areas include window sills that have condensation, showers and basements. If mold starts growing and is not properly taken care of, it can cause allergies to aggressively flare.

Not Washing Hands Properly

Many illnesses in children are spread through viruses. In order to stay healthy in school, children should wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer before eating, after sharing items such as pencils or computer mouses, and after touching a water fountain. If hands are not properly washed after scenarios such as these, illnesses can easily be spread.

Sharing Food or Drink Items with FriendsRepeatedly sick - kids sharing food

In school, children are taught to share. It often happens that children will share food or drink items during lunch or snack time. Germs and illnesses can easily be spread while doing so. It is important to ensure your children refrain from sharing food or drinks to help keep themselves healthy.

These are just a couple of the many reasons children could be repeatedly getting sick. If repeated sickness is affecting your child, it should be determined whether the reason is stemming from home or school.

Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isn’t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge she loves to share in her writings.

Chaleigh has contributed other articles to Support for Stepdads: Glasses – How to Tell if Your Child Needs Them? and Safe and Protected – Five Ways to Keep Your Family that Way. Please make sometime to check them out.


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