
Raising the Stop Sign on Street Racing Teens

Street racing Teens - Yellow armband "Street Racing Kills"When you’re a step dad, you can often feel like you’re not really in the right place to say anything to the new teenager in your life. However, with street racing on the rise as the entertainment of choice for many of today’s teens, it’s important you warn your stepchild about the dangers of engaging in it and the potential consequences. Despite high profile reckless speeding accidents like “The Fast & The Furious” actor Paul Walker being in the news, teenagers are still revving their engines on city streets. How can you help throw up the stop sign especially for your own stepchild?

On Your Mark, Get Set, Drive Responsibly

The great thing about being a stepfather, particularly to a teenage boy, is you can provide a male role model and discuss issues he might be more comfortable discussing with a man. Of course, that also could be the worst thing, particularly if your stepchild is a surly teenager. However, discussing this important issue regarding street racing teens shouldn’t be put off. If you’re worried they’ll be flying down to the beach getting a Florida speeding ticket or hitting the icy roads in the North, getting the conversation going is urgent.

1) Be Completely Honest with Your Teenager

If you used to drag race back in the day or you’ve accidentally gone way over the speed limit with them in the car, now’s the time to admit that’s not how to behave. Explain to them the dangers of street racing, not only for themselves, but for their friends and innocent bystanders. It’s also important to let them know speeding tickets can lead to huge fines, suspended licenses and even the potential of a life-altering injury. Let them know you plan to drive the speed limit from now on, and you’d like them to help remind you.

2) Discuss the Issue as a Family

Bringing up the issue around the dinner table with the family present may help to foster conversation about it, and might make your teen feel less like they’re being put on the spot. Encourage your kids to discuss their feelings about it, as well as ask any questions they might have. Remind them that it’s always okay to say no if one of their friends wants to start revving their engines for a race. 

3) If your Teenager gets Caught, Listen then React

It’s easy to fly off the handle if your child is arrested for reckless driving or gets a speeding ticket for street racing, but you may not have the full story. Be patient and ask your child to be honest and tell you everything. If you feel they have been wrongly accused, you may want to consult a speeding ticket defense lawyer. This is also a good idea if this is your child’s first offense, as they may be able to help you plea for leniency in exchange for driving classes.

One of the best traits you can exhibit as a stepfather is patience with your new family. Not only are you getting used to them, but keep in mind that they’re also getting used to you. By showing your new children you love and accept them and you’re there to help, then they will respond better to you when you have important issues like speeding and street racing to discuss with them.

Domonique Powell urges stepparents to approach sensitive subjects with caution. During an online search about a Florida speeding ticket she read news stories inspiring her to write this article.

Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rallyroo/158788224/




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