
Five Tips to Keep Your Children Safe When Playing Sports

Sports are a great way for your child to exercise, learn about teamwork, sportsmanship and the importance of regular practice and dedication.

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However, it’s important to know how to keep your kids safe and protected while they’re playing. Injuries can range from minor strains and sprains to traumatic brain injury. Read on to learn five critical sports safety tips for parents.

Do Their Warm-ups

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Your child should jog for at least 10 minutes followed by stretching of every major muscle group before engaging in practice or a game.  Make sure each stretch is held for at least 20 seconds to be effective in preventing injury.

If the coach doesn’t have this as part of the warmup, you and your child should arrive at the field a few minutes early so you can help them with their stretching. Make sure your kids make stretching a routine before practices and games. 

Protect Your Child from the Elements

If your kids will be outside for a while, provide them with energy-boosting snacks to keep them from feeling too tired or light-headed. Always apply sunscreen before outdoor games, even on cloudy days. Monitor your child on very warm days so they don’t get overheated. If they begin to feel dizzy they should stop playing right away.

Make sure your child has access to water during practices and games and they are staying hydrated. Supplement water with Gatorade, or other electrolyte sports drinks, to replenish the minerals lost from sweating.

Wear Protective Gear

Make sure your child has the correct protective gear for the sport. The gear needs to fit correctly and be in good condition. Sports requiring head gear like helmets are the most important item, since they provide protection from concussion, traumatic brain injury and even death.

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If your child suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while playing sports, consulting professionals can help your family cope with the effects of both mild and severe TBI.  As suggested by brain injury lawyers at Cummings Andrews Mackay LLP.

Know the Signs of a Concussion

Though it’s one of the most common sports injuries, a concussion can be difficult to diagnose. If your child is hit in the head, he or she should stop playing immediately. If he or she seems confused, glassy-eyed, loses consciousness, or has behavior changes or mood swings, take him or her to the nearest emergency room.

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Vomiting is also a sign of a serious head injury that must be given medical attention right away. Be sure to try and keep the child awake and alert until you seek medical attention.

Promote Rest

Overuse injuries are common among young athletes, especially if they’re new to a sport. Make sure the coach gives all players a break during every game or workout. During the rest periods, your child should slowly work their way to sitting. Have them walk for a minute or stretch before sitting down to prevent injury and to slow down their heart rate first.

Give your child at least one day a week completely off from sports. If he or she complains of being tired or in pain, never force them to play anyway. Remember if you are in doubt about your child’s health, let them sit out the game.

Your child should be able to have a fun and memorable experience from playing sports, and keeping these tips in mind will help them stay safe while involved in any sport. When they are playing safe, you and your children can both feel more comfortable while watching and playing.

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Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She writes about finance, home and family, and business. A mother of two, she enjoys spending time with her family and reading a good book when she isn’t writing.  Please let Anita know if you liked her article by using the Stars and Thumbs below.  Anita previously wrote, Six Life Skills to Teach Your Kids Before They Leave Home.  Please make some time to check it out.  Thank you.




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