
Four Tips To Make Traveling With Children Easy

Traveling is taxing enough without adding kids to the mix. With kids the equation changes completely. Once you board the plane all you want to do is go to sleep, but your kids prevent you from doing this. They scream, they shout and they draw unwanted attention.


There’s nothing more annoying than the stewardess asking you to keep your child quiet. What does she expect? They’re kids, they’re bored and they’re trapped 40,000 feet in the air. Why the hell doesn’t she try to calm them? We’ll see how that turns out. Anyway, here are a few tips that can help you while you’re traveling with children.



It’s easy to keep a kid distracted. Give them a PSP and they’ll hardly miss anyone including you. It’s the perfect way of keeping them quiet during long flights. If you don’t want your money to go to Sony, then you can try other means to keep your kids entertained.

Play a few simple games like I Spy or Pictionary to distract their mind from the long journey. An MP3 player is also a great travel companion for your children. After listening to a few songs they’ll go right to sleep, but that will depend on the playlist.

Wear Them Out


Kids can’t keep up their shenanigans for long. Sooner or later they’re going to tire out. It’s best if the shenanigans take place before the journey and they rest during it. What more can a parent ask for than a child who’s too tired to keep their eyes open while traveling?

Let your kid run amuck the previous night and they’ll be sleeping like an angel during the flight. I know it’s a little devious but who cares? It’s not like the United Nations Human Rights Council is watching you. And even if they are, I’m sure they’d approve.

Smile for the Camera


We all know people look silly when they cry especially kids. It’s probably because they’re trying to find a rhythm most of the time. They’ll cry till their little lungs are out of oxygen, then take a deep breath and cry again. It’s strangely hypnotic. The best course of action is to take a picture and show it to them.

Kids and pets are mesmerized by their own likeness. Your kid will immediately forget his sorrow when he sees a picture of himself crying. Put the pictures in a kid’s photo album to cherish the memories.

Positive Reinforcement


There’s nothing like a little bribe to get things done. In parenting talk it’s called “positive reinforcement”. Call it whatever you like, it works. Gummy bears are the perfect remedy for crying children. Gummy bears are so popular that they even had a TV show named after them. However, you must be careful never to run out of them, or else your child will start crying for more Gummy bears. That’s when your plan backfires.

As we’ve demonstrated here, it’s relatively easy to travel with your children. All you need are the right tools and the right techniques. Let’s hope your next journey is less miserable.

The author of this article is Kimberly Scott. Kimberly is a freelance blogger currently working at Board Book Albums, makers of innovative development tools for children. In her spare time, Kimberly likes to play the piano or cook for her family.


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