
How To Spring Clean Your Life


If you feel like your routine is becoming a little bit stale, it might be time for a revamp. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be springtime for you to turn your life around – you can make positive changes to your life at any time of the year. Here are a few steps you can take to kick start the new and improved you.

Clean Up Your Relationships

Spring Cleaing Your Life - Toxic RelationshipsWe all have people in our life that can be a toxic influence on us, but who we keep in touch with because of a sense of obligation. It could be an old friend who makes you feel bad about yourself, or a relationship you want to get out of.

If you want to spring clean your life the first step is to surround yourself with positive people. Sometimes negative friendships can be turned around if you sit down and resolve your problems together. If this doesn’t work then it may be time to detach yourself and move on.

Spring Clean Your Life - I'm Making Some Changes in My Life

Organise Your Documents

Over the years we build up a lot of paperwork at work and at home which is no longer useful. Step two of your spring clean is to have a clear out. It is really important all confidential or personal information is destroyed using a shredder, otherwise you could become a victim of identify fraud.

Spring Clean Your Life - Organize Your Documents

If you are overrun with paperwork in the office, you could suggest using a document storage company to your boss. Offsite data storage companies keep old records safe and secure, so they do not clutter up your workspace.

Free Up Your Day Planner

Take a look at your planner and calculate how many hours a week you spend doing particular activities. You might be amazed at how much of your life is wasted on tasks which contribute nothing to your happiness or well-being. Once you have worked out how you spend your week, you can find areas where you could potentially free up some time.

Spring Clean - Day Planner

For example, do you waste your lunch break at your desk when you could be going for a brisk walk to clear your head and get your heart pumping? This would contribute towards your recommended physical activity levels as well as help you drop a few pounds!

Get Budgeting

Money is tight for most of us at the moment, but do you really know where yours goes? If you want to sort out your finances and even start saving, create a spreadsheet on your computer which tracks your monthly outgoings.

Spring Clean - Household Budget

Once you start monitoring your spend you will realise how much money gets frittered on a daily basis – whether it is a takeaway coffee or a quick lunch at your local sandwich bar. Creating a budget will help spring clean your life as well as teach you valuable money saving skills.

Take Up a Hobby

Did you ever start a new hobby and then give up after a few weeks? It could be a dance class, an art class or even going to the gym- whatever the fad was, take it up again, or even try something completely different.

Spring Clean - Hobbies, Craft & Skills Tag Cloud

After all, spring cleaning your life means out with the old and in with the new, and after all that budgeting, decluttering and day planner cleansing you will have to find something else to fill your hours. As well as giving you a new sense of purpose, a hobby will help you meet like-minded people and reinvigorate your social life.

About the author

About the author

Chloe is an English Literature graduate with a love for words, and finds this a useful skill to have when writing about different things. She also enjoys keeping fit by going on runs and dancing in her free time.

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