
How to Trim Five Money-Hogging Wedding Expenses

Who doesn’t want a fairytale wedding? Or at least one that’s absolutely beautiful. We don’t want to dull that glamour. But here’s the deal – weddings are one expensive affair. Or at least the most prominent aspects of it are. However that bit can be solved, if you just know what ends to cover and how to save scarce dollars. Read on to find out…

1) Wedding gown

Which bride doesn’t want to look like the leading lady straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster? After all, It is her day and moment of glory. And she’s going to do everything in her power to look good. The first step on that path is the wedding gown. But watch your bill; wedding gowns are as high priced as they are beautiful.

What to do: The cheaper alternatives to wedding gowns are many. Follow the family tradition and wear your mum’s wedding gown – you just have to tailor and revamp it a little. You’ll also find a lot of wedding gowns available for rent. Or, simply pick a very simple gown and jazz it up yourself!

2) Venue

For a majority of couples, the venue is the most money-draining factors of the wedding. It is understandable to want a venue that has all the state of the art amenities, fits your theme and can hold your crowd. But when it comes to expenses, corners have to be cut.

What to do: Most venues are available at shocking discounts during the off-season. You can also check the rent for weekdays, and if you find a Monday that’s a part of the long weekend, lucky you! Otherwise, you can always scoot away to an out-of-city location.

3) Band

The band is pretty much the most important part of any wedding. And it’s also the most expensive. One major reason is the direct as well as indirect costs having a band can incur. A five-piece band would mean five extra plates to the caterer. Moreover, given the current scenario, there are so many dance numbers that hardly any band can cover perfectly.

What to do: Someone call the DJ! He’ll have every song across each era and genre, and is quite cheaper too. Additionally, prioritize. If majority of your crowd cares about nothing else except dancing, then you can spend a little extra on the music and cut down costs on the food, and vice versa.

4) Wedding Favors

Who doesn’t want to have a wedding that’s remembered by everyone and spoken about for generations to come? That’s why we have wedding favors. You want to give away customized goodie bags, specialty chocolates, exotic fragrances, wine bottles, champagne flutes and whatnot. But just wait till the night is over and the guests have left, and you’ll be shocked to find how many gifts were left behind, forgotten or uncared. Or worse, find them thrown in the bushes or under the table.

What to do: Honestly, you’re treating them to a wonderful meal and an amazing night of plentiful music and dancing. Those guests that know how to have the time of their life at a wedding will ask or want nothing more. At best, if you have the time, you can always make little thank you cards or notes, and your message will be conveyed just as effectively.

5) Rehearsal Dinner

The rehearsal dinner may not be a gala affair like the wedding, but don’t even for a second believe it’s going to be cheap. You want a new dress for the event. Then there’s the catering, the invites, the venue, the music, the decor and everything else. You’re sure to spend anywhere close to a thousand dollars on this alone, especially if you follow the conventional ways.

What to do: Be clever when it comes to these extra expenses. Keep the rehearsal dinner in the house. Keep it very, very intimate. Call in all the chefs in your family and friends to prepare the dinner. Keep the thing simple yet elegant.

We agree that cutting corners like this is heartbreaking and not what you ever imagined doing. But well, these days, money plays an important role in every ‘happily ever after’. Secure yours with a bit of sacrifice and cleverness!

James Peters contributed this post. James is a travel planner at Orpheus, a company which specializes in Queensland island wedding packages. He enjoys interacting with people and traveling to different places.

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